Ljubljana International Feldenkrais Training

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the training last?

The training program last 4 years (2023-2026) = 160 days = 800 hours. There are 40 training days per year, divided into 3 segments per year. Classes are mainly taking place during Slovenian holidays and weekends.

By when must I finish my studies?

You must complete the training in international Feldenkrais education within 7 years' time. So even if you cannot attend all the days, you have time until the end of 2029 to finish.

Can I join the training after it starts?

You can join the training until the first day of the 2nd year - that is until 25 Apr 2024. Read below how to make up the missed days. Next opporunity will be Ljubljana II, planned to start in 2027.

What happens if I cannot attend all the days?

You can miss a maximum of 5 days within a training year and no more than a total of 10 days of the entire training without making a formal arrangement to make up the missed class time. You are however still responsible for the missed material. If you miss more than 5 days per year or 10 days of a whole training, you must make up the additional missing days in agreement with the Educational Director as soon as possible.

Don't worry: during the training we will equip you with information on how to go about substituting = making up the missed days or hour.

You make-up the missing days during our official make-up schedule.

What is the rhythm of payments?

The most common and usual way is to pay each one segment before in starts (you will receive an invoice). Please contact us if you have different preferences about payments.

What does a segment mean?

Segments are sequences of 10-study-days (in spring and autumn) or 20-study-day (in summer). There are 3 such segments in each year of study. Every 10-study-days (led by one of our 9 trainers) is composed as follows: 5 days of work, 1 day off, 5 days of work.

Will I experience any FIs (Individual Functional Intergration Lessons)?

You will receive at least 12 FI (Functional Integraion) lessons during the four years of training, given by a trainer, by assistant trainers and experienced practitioners (at least five years of experience). These individual lessons are included in the cost of the training program.The educational staff will also be available to give additional FI lessons at a special discounted rate.

Do we get any audio or video recordings?

You will receive audio and video recordings of selected movements lessons, demonstrations of the hands-on work, individual lessons, lectures and talks for all the days when you attended the training.

How will I be avalutated?

Along with the continuous monitoring of the learning progress, participants will be graduated after completion of the necessary number of trainings days and in accordance with the evaluation procedures which will include in-class demonstration of competence in teaching ATM and in giving lessons in FI. Participants will be authorised to teach ATM classes, on a provisional basis, after full completion of the first 80 days of the training program. At the completion of the training program participants will be authorised to practice the Feldenkrais Method including FI. Since graduation is not granted by default after four years, some trainees may be required to complement the training with further learning activities.

Where can I work with my diploma?

The Ljubljana Feldenkrais International Training is accredited and recognized by the ETAB (European Training Accreditation Board) and fulfills the international training program regulation requirements. Our graduates can become a member in any Feldenkrais association worldwide and have the full guarantee that their education and certificate is recognized anywhere in the world.

Who will attend the training?

We welcome participants of all ages. The training will address a wide variety of professionals with many different backgrounds such as performing arts and music, education, sports and movement, health and rehabilitation, science, psychology or coaching. We will consider most candidates who have some professional experience, already, or some related form of practice, or a school, college or university degree as well as life-experiences that reflect the required maturity and commitment.

As a student of another training, can I make up the missing days in Ljubljana.

Sure, you are welcome to make-up your days in Ljubljana.

Can I join the training without being a student?

Yes, of course, welcome. Please read more about this and announce you presence.