Ljubljana International Feldenkrais Training

Benefits of the Training


The Ljubljana Feldenkrais International Training is accredited and recognised by the ETAB (European Training Accreditation Board) and fulfils the international training program regulation requirements. Our graduates can become a member in any Feldenkrais association worldwide and have the full guarantee that their education and certificate is recognised anywhere in the world.

International educational team

Our international team of highly experienced trainers and assistant trainers from different professional backgrounds, countries and generations will provide a wide range of learning experiences.

Mentoring team

The training will be accompanied by a mentoring group of experienced Slovenian practitioners who will give individual FI (Functional Integration) lessons.

Study Groups

Participants will be encouraged to form study groups and continue working even between segments.

Study materials

Audio and video recordings of movements lessons, demonstrations of the hands-on work, individual lessons, lectures and talks of the entire training program will be available for participants.