Ljubljana International Feldenkrais Training

The Feldenkrais Method

The Feldenkrais Method is based on the way we learn to move, how awareness and thinking develop, how we perceive, and the ways in which we learn to be in relationship with our environment. Through precise and complex techniques, the Feldenkrais Method uses the innate intelligence of the human nervous system to achieve higher levels of functioning in all of these areas.

As an "education of the self" in awareness and action, the Feldenkrais Method is valuable for all those who are looking for new ways to become freer in their expression and attitude towards life - whether in everyday life, work or leisure. The improvements can be directed towards assisting problems like pain, injuries and neurological issues, as well as assisting peak performance in sports and the performing arts. Improving movement and posture improves the overall health and well-being, leading to better attention, thinking ability, emotional resilience, coordination, balance, and easier breathing.

Awareness of movement is the fundamental basis of the Feldenkrais Method. The structure of Feldenkrais lessons encourages the enlivenment of our perceptual abilities and the discovery of ease, efficiency and elegance in movements. They expand our ability to act with precision, power and spontaneity and increase our capacity to learn. Feldenkrais lessons explore a wide range of human movement, from infant development to the highest performance skills.

The Feldenkrais Method is a somatic learning process taught either in group classes or in individual sessions.

Awareness through Movement (ATM)

In group lessons, participants are guided verbally through a sequence of movements, which are carried out at one’s own pace and within a comfortable range. The learning process is about improving self-awareness, recognizing one's own movement patterns and creating new ways of action.

Functional Integration (FI)

Individual work in the Feldenkrais Method proceeds mostly with the Feldenkrais Practitioner using gentle, non-invasive touch as the primary means of communication. Movements and touch reflect the client's individual habits and needs, fostering expanded possibilities for new movement patterns which are more comfortable, efficient, and useful. The precise and complex techniques promote an immediate reorganization of the nervous system and have a lasting effect.