Ljubljana International Feldenkrais Training


From the beginning you will be immersed in learning Awareness Through Movement (ATM) and the basic principles of the Method. You will develop your ability to sense differences and listen with all your senses. Another issue to emphasise on will be the process of movement observation, developing an open and non-judgmental focus and trusting your own sensory skills. The ATM movements will be utilised in order to increase comprehension of function and to sense movement through touch, first done passively and gradually developed into exploring and leading another person. Relevant theory and lecture will be presented, introducing fundamental ideas about anatomy, biomechanics, neurophysiology, psychology and learning theory.
1st year
You will continue to experience and learn to teach ATM lessons. They will be broken down into components and themes and will be explored according to the principles and strategies being used. There will be time for practicing teaching ATM in small groups according to particular lessons and given assignments, leading up to the ATM teaching practicum at the end of the year. After full completion of the first 80 days of the training program you will be authorised to teach ATM classes, on a provisional basis. The exploration of handling skills will continue. All the time the focus within the work will be a framework of functional thinking with sensitive open minded questioning and exploring.
2nd year
In the third and fourth year, more complex ATM lessons and series of ATM lessons will continue to develop functional themes and help you to grow the skills needed for practice. It will be explored how language is used in teaching and how effective and comfortable learning situations can be created. You will refine your handling and thinking in Functional Integration (FI) as well as your sensitivity and ability to be in a dialogue with a client. An emphasis will be given on the relationship between ATM and FI lessons, and you will start to develop the ability to present themes both in ATM and FI. Lectures on topics such as habit formation, boundaries or communication will continue to deepen the themes of year one and two. Videos of Moshé Feldenkrais giving FI lessons and talks will be presented to class for study.
3rd year
You will continue to develop your handling skills toward becoming a Feldenkrais Practitioner and learn to give a wide range of lessons exploring different functions in many different positions. The connection of lessons to the clients requests, the differentiation between wants and learning needs and the importance of the transfer of learning will be emphasised. You will also learn how to offer information and reassurance about the process a client is undertaking, help the client to process the experience, how to navigate interpersonal dynamics and discern when to refer a client to another professional. During the fourth year, you will give lessons to peers in order to learn the timing and structure needed to give supervised lessons to the general public. An FI practicum under supervision will be successfully completed prior to graduation. There will be lectures and discussions about topics such as professional appearance, practice management, the international network, professional educational resources, cultural discourses or ethical conduct.
4th year

1st year

From the beginning you will be immersed in learning Awareness Through Movement (ATM) and the basic principles of the Method. You will develop your ability to sense differences and listen with all your senses. Another issue to emphasise on will be the process of movement observation, developing an open and non-judgmental focus and trusting your own sensory skills. The ATM movements will be utilised in order to increase comprehension of function and to sense movement through touch, first done passively and gradually developed into exploring and leading another person. Relevant theory and lecture will be presented, introducing fundamental ideas about anatomy, biomechanics, neurophysiology, psychology and learning theory.

2nd year

You will continue to experience and learn to teach ATM lessons. They will be broken down into components and themes and will be explored according to the principles and strategies being used. There will be time for practicing teaching ATM in small groups according to particular lessons and given assignments, leading up to the ATM teaching practicum at the end of the year. After full completion of the first 80 days of the training program you will be authorised to teach ATM classes, on a provisional basis. The exploration of handling skills will continue. All the time the focus within the work will be a framework of functional thinking with sensitive open minded questioning and exploring.

3rd year

In the third and fourth year, more complex ATM lessons and series of ATM lessons will continue to develop functional themes and help you to grow the skills needed for practice. It will be explored how language is used in teaching and how effective and comfortable learning situations can be created. You will refine your handling and thinking in Functional Integration (FI) as well as your sensitivity and ability to be in a dialogue with a client. An emphasis will be given on the relationship between ATM and FI lessons, and you will start to develop the ability to present themes both in ATM and FI. Lectures on topics such as habit formation, boundaries or communication will continue to deepen the themes of year one and two. Videos of Moshé Feldenkrais giving FI lessons and talks will be presented to class for study.

4th year

You will continue to develop your handling skills toward becoming a Feldenkrais Practitioner and learn to give a wide range of lessons exploring different functions in many different positions. The connection of lessons to the clients requests, the differentiation between wants and learning needs and the importance of the transfer of learning will be emphasised. You will also learn how to offer information and reassurance about the process a client is undertaking, help the client to process the experience, how to navigate interpersonal dynamics and discern when to refer a client to another professional. During the fourth year, you will give lessons to peers in order to learn the timing and structure needed to give supervised lessons to the general public. An FI practicum under supervision will be successfully completed prior to graduation. There will be lectures and discussions about topics such as professional appearance, practice management, the international network, professional educational resources, cultural discourses or ethical conduct.

Individual lessons

You will receive at least 12 FI lessons during the four years of training, given by a trainer, by assistant trainers and experienced practitioners (at least five years of experience). These individual lessons are included in the cost of the training program.The educational staff will also be available to give additional FI lessons at a special discounted rate.